We follow Shane, our founder, an athletic individual who must prove his worth against his competition. After focusing at his office, he takes the same energy to perfect his craft in basketball.
“ADAPT” is a video campaign developed with a robust ethos to carry ADAPTURE with quaintness in its early stages of forming an identity. It’s for an audience who wants to be inspired, but not lied to. We wanted to form content that also hints the contemporary leanings and cultural interests of the brand while coexisting with classic commercial campaigns launched by major brands. Authenticity, breaking from norms and focused creation where all driving forces that helped inform us on how we wanted to formulate the short spots. While still remaining Canadian, we wanted to position the brand correctly within its own lane by involving the right collaborators. This is since, while still participating in the conversation as an emerging company it was imperative that it also formed its own identity and cultural impact in its own subcultural circles.
Directed by: Christian Boakye-Agyeman @cc.ba / @_force.of.nature
Shot by: Ryan Maxwell @ryanmax94
Model: Shane Long @shanelong / @adapture.co
Sound Design: Patrick Perez @patrickperezz
Music Composition & Master Engineer: Haig V @haigvmusic / @sprlua
Audio Director: Samito @samitotv / @sprlua
Narrator: James R Baylis @jamesrbaylis