We follow Zane at his studio as he is exhausted from practicing and keeps missing the beat. Out of frustration, he leaves and takes a walk in the park where he can reset and find peace to recover from a creative block.
The ADAPT campaign defies “basics” shirt brands antiquated trope of creating the perfect t-shirt. Instead, ADAPT responds with three, short, videos spots exposing a range of fittings that coexist with personalities with distinct lifestyles informed by contemporary subcultures.
Directed by: Christian Boakye-Agyeman @cc.ba / @_force.of.nature
Shot by: Shane Long @shanelong
Model: Zane Coppard @zanecoppard
Agency: Legends Café @legendssscafe
Sound Design: Patrick Perez @patrickperezz
Music Composition & Master Engineer: Haig V @haigvmusic / @spurla
Audio Director: Samito @samitotv / @spurla
Narrator: James R Baylis @jamesrbaylis